Exploring Pedagogical Adaptation Challenges Faced by Novice EFL Teachers in Higher Education: A Study from Hubei Province, China

Rui Luo, Lirui Yang


The novice teachers encountered numerous challenges upon embarking on their careers in schools. The primary obstacles typically arose from the misalignment between their teaching abilities and the practical demands of their work. This study, focusing on novice EFL teachers in Hubei Province, addressed the following inquiries from the perspectives of the theory of teachers' career development stage and the theory of work adjustment:

  • What were the challenges confronting novice EFL teachers regarding their teaching abilities in Higher Education Institutions in Hubei Province?
  • What factors contributed to these challenges related to teaching capability?
  • What approaches did novice teachers adopt to address these challenges?

This study employed a qualitative approach, with three novice EFL teachers newly employed by three different institutions serving as informants. Data were gathered from teaching diaries, lesson plans, classroom observations, and interviews. The researchers identified and categorized challenges related to teaching capability and coping strategies mentioned in the diaries, corroborating them with data from other sources such as lesson plan reviews and classroom observations. Subsequently, the researchers conducted interviews to explore the underlying causes of these challenges and assess the effectiveness of the teachers' coping strategies.

Based on the analysis of the qualitative data, the study draws the following conclusions:

  • Novice EFL teachers encountered challenges across four dimensions: language proficiency, instructional design, classroom management, and feedback skills, as evidenced by data from language use, lesson structure, objective setting, and multimedia integration.
  • The challenges stemmed from personal factors, contextual influences, and external interventions.

Novice EFL teachers endeavored to address these challenges, often effectively, by integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experience, seeking guidance from experienced colleagues, engaging in peer consultation, and conducting independent research.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/eltls.v6n3p10


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