A Cognitive-Grounding Analysis on the Semantic Extension of Modal Auxiliary Hui from Futurity to Epistemicity

Xuefei Zhao


Modal auxiliary Hui” has two relatively independent semantic extension trails. This study, on the basis of the grounding theory in cognitive grammar, focuses on its extension from futurity to epistemicity. A unified grounding-based model is proposed to analyse the functions of grounding elements involved in the semantic extension of “Hui”. This thesis holds that “Hui” endows a momentum with the sentence, which will be manifested as the speculation on the development of the reality. As the validity of the evidence changes, the reliability of the inference will change accordingly, eventually making the whole sentence present different semantic expressions, which extends from the inference upon future events based on the facts to a subjective assessment of the present and past events, and finally shows the bleaching of futurity. The process is accompanied by the change of subjectivity.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/eltls.v6n5p111


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