Student Satisfaction and/or Dissatisfaction in Blended Learning Environments

Kimberly A. Roff


Research exists in blended learning environments as a means of online or distance learning. However, few researchers focused on student satisfaction or dissatisfaction in these environments. This mixed methods study addressed this gap in literature by focusing on how student satisfaction or dissatisfaction is viewed in blended learning environments. The conceptual framework is based upon research that discussed both face-to-face and online environments, which make a key argument for blended learning. This framework is community and inquiry. In conjunction with this, the study relied on the multimodal model that examines different learning environments. A mixed methods study design was conducted using open and closed ended questions for triangulation of the results to be completed. A sample of 23 students from blended undergraduate courses were used. Data was analyzed using open and axial coding to identify emergent themes. The main findings indicated that students were satisfied with blended learning environments because they are flexible and convenient. Some of the areas that participants indicated there was dissatisfaction were: disconnection and technology.

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