A Comparative Analysis of 21st Century Schools in the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China

Cheryl James-Ward, Lawrence Xu Ke, Olympia Kyriakidis, James Marshall, Michelle Harkrider


This study investigated schools in the two largest global economies, the United States and The People’s Republic of China, in order to understand how both educational systems are preparing students to thrive in the global workplace. The study 1) delineates skill sets needed for success in the new economy, 2) identifies and reports on the instructional findings within seven schools in China and seven schools in the United States that describe themselves as preparing students for the 21st century workplace, 3) compares findings between schools studied in both countries, and 4) ends with suggestions for policymakers and school systems wishing to improve student preparedness for the global workplace.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/fet.v2n1p17


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