Appropriate Technology in Knowledge Management for Public University Lecturers

Cruthaka C.


In this research objective was to studies appropriate technology for knowledge management in the case of public university lecturers. Using the Delphi technique, the researcher conducted interviews with twenty experts involved in education administration, academic affairs, and knowledge management at institutes, faculties, offices, and educational institutions. Data were collected from the experts three times. The first round involved structured interviews. The second and third rounds involved the use of a five-rating scale questionnaire. Computing the median for the data collected from the experts. Thence the median was determined for the lower and upper quartiles. The values for the criteria used by the researcher were a median at the high level upwards greater than 3.50 (Md>3.50) with a concomitant interquartile range of less than 1.50 (>1.50). Findings show that appropriate technology in knowledge management for public university lecturers as agreed by experts consists of five aspects: (1) knowledge acquisition; (2) knowledge creation; (3) knowledge storage and access; (4) knowledge sharing; (5) learning. Of the 37 items appropriate technology found at the highest level pertains to 15 items. At a high level 22 items are found. The median ranged from 3.72 to 4.95 and the interquartile range was from 0.25 to 1.19.

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