Disruptive Changing Higher Education Ecosystems: Have University Academics Been Gazumped?

Dr Warrick Long, Associate Professor Lisa Barnes, Professor Maria Northcote, Professor Anthony Williams


Continual reforms in the Australian Higher Education Sector result in ongoing significant changes to the experiences of the Australian academic. As a result, massification, internationalisation and corporatization form the landscape of academia in Australia. The Australian University Accounting Academic (AUAA) faces ongoing challenges and opportunities within this dynamic academic environment, and this study explores these challenges in relation to teaching themed issues that confront the AUAA. By using a questionnaire and interviews with AUAAs, three themes emerged, being curriculum, teaching workload, and the impact of online teaching. The “ASSET” support framework is developed from these conversations with the AUAA’s to help them become an “asset” to the university during these times of disruptive change instead of allowing the system to “gazump” them.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/fet.v4n2p12


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