A Study on the Narrative Mode and Promotion Path of College Students’ Patriotic Education in the New Era

Furong Chang


China is in the new era and the new journey in this historical period, in order to strive to achieve the second centenary goal of comprehensively building a powerful modern socialist country, and strive to realize the great goal of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must strengthen the patriotic education of college students, promote college students to actively build the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics with a high degree of enthusiasm. Sorting out the narrative characteristics of college students’ patriotic education can help to understand how to enhance the appeal of patriotic education and improve the effectiveness of patriotic education. The characteristics of college students’ patriotic education narrative are different from other educational narratives, such as the political nature of the narrative stance, the national nature of the narrative foundation, the systematic content of the narrative and the epochal nature of the narrative discourse. To carry out patriotism education in the new era and encourage people to learn from heroes and models, we should accurately grasp the historical orientation and according to the development of the situation, actively innovate the narrative style and communication platform of Yingmodel, and innovate the immersive patriotism education, so that the spirit of Yingmodel can reemerge and gather together the great power to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/jecs.v7n2p110


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