Descriptive Grammar: The Study of Nouns in Wolof and English

Mariama Soda Ndao


The experience of a second language teacher in English allows for building academic relationships between foreign and local language learning. In fact, this topic is a descriptive study of nouns in Wolof and English. It outlines the characteristics of variable and invariable nouns and paints out their descriptive aspects. Indeed, the grammatical rules of nouns mainly consider the determiners which vary. In Wolof for example, the determiners are set from marks of classes as basic roots. The number is marked from these class roots to rule. As for English, is marked within the analysis that nouns behave thanks to grammatical occurrences of the determiners. We have made the distinction of the number between the variable and invariable nouns according to the determiner and the nouns’ morphology. This topic aims at providing wider strategies in language teaching and learning to achieve academic goals.

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