Exploration of CDIO Graduate Education Mode Based on the Integration of Industry, Teaching, Competition and Research



Aiming at the current phenomenon of disconnection between theory and practice in graduate teaching, a CDIO graduate education model based on the integration of industry-teaching-race-research is proposed in the paper, which tries to integrate industry-teaching-race-research and improve students' innovation and application ability through various teaching modes. The focus of the reform is embodied in the school-enterprise cooperation, which closely associates the school and the enterprise through the project, and the two of them explore a new type of teaching mode at the teaching level, complete the restructuring of the teaching content, and implement the four levels of assessment for graduate students, namely, the basic knowledge of engineering, the individual ability, the interpersonal team ability, and the ability of the engineering system. Through the analysis of the survey results, the reform has achieved better results in the training of graduate students, which can effectively improve the quality of teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjeh.v6n2p141


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