Political Agendas for Education: From Race to the Top to Saving the Planet
Amidst the transition from No Child Left Behind (NCLB) to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the book, Political Agendas for Education: From Race to the top to saving the planet by Joel Spring has discussed issues such as the impact of Race to the Top, the influence of Teach for America (TFA), teacher evaluation and merit pay, Republican reaction and rejection of Race to the Top and the education agenda of the Obama administration, and the benefits reaped by the growing for-profit industry on the United States (U.S.) education system. Simultaneously, the 5th edition has comparatively analyzed Libertarian and Green Party agendas along with the main stream political agendas which have dominated education in the U.S. Furthermore, this book has highlighted aspects of education reform which emphasize environmental sustainability, social and educational equity and freedom with the goal of human and societal health and wellbeing.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v1n1p49
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