The Effect of Home Environmental Factors on Students’ Academic Achievement: A Case of Community Secondary Schools in Monduli District, Tanzania

Baraka M. Ngussa, PhD, Adam J. Gundula


This study investigated on the effect of home environmental factors on students’ academic achievement among secondary schools in Monduli District, Tanzania using a descriptive design. A sample of 318 students from seven schools participated by filling the questionnaire. Validity of the instrument was ensured through expert judgment and the Cronbach’s Alpha in all three variables was above 0.6. Analysis of data employed descriptive and inferential statistics. The study established existence of parental involvement in pupils’ academic affairs. This was indicated by the facts that parents were committed to monitor students’ learning activities and give all kind of supports needed. Parents’ social economic status afforded to facilitate school needs of their children. Lastly, the study established a direct correlation between parental involvement and academic achievement, between social economic status and academic achievement and between social economic status and parental involvement. Based on these conclusions the researchers recommend that there is need to encourage parents to continue their parental involvement in their children’s academic affairs as this is a way of improving academic achievement. Furthermore, parents should be encouraged to come up with strategies that will help to improve their income, as this will enable sustainable provision of basic and school needs.

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