A Comparison of Teachers Perceptions, Misconceptions, and Teaching of Students with Dyslexia
Teachers commonly work with students with dyslexia. They may not have been aware that the reason a student struggled with many academic tasks, was due to challenges with mental processing associated with the dyslexia. Dyslexia tends to be difficult to recognize. However, the commonly associated behaviors such as acting out, withdrawing, or simply trying and failing are readily noticeable. Because of the hidden nature of dyslexia, many teachers may attribute students’ lack of academic success to other easily explainable issues, such as attention deficit disorder or issues with family function. Students’ academic and potentially life-long success, could be influenced by the lack of teacher awareness or ability to recognize the executive functioning issues of students with dyslexia. Thus, there is a need for teachers at all levels to understand what dyslexia is, hold accurate conceptions of dyslexia, and know how to effectively support the learning of students with dyslexia. Given the critical role teachers play in working with students with dyslexia and the potential teachers have to support or hinder students long term success, there is warrant for examining the perceptions, attitudes, misconceptions, and practice of teachers working with students with dyslexia.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v6n4p442
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