Role of ICT in Higher Educational Administration in Uganda
The study was on the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in higher educational administration in Uganda. The study population comprised of four universities. Convenience sampling was used to obtain the sample size of 48 admininistrators from the population. The study aimed at identifying the roles of ICT in higher educational administration and a survey method was employed to investigate the study. Related literatures were reviewed from journals and past researches, data was collected using a well designed and validated questionnaire, the data was statistically analyzed and interpreted using weighted average and chi square test. The findings of this study revealed that ICT greatly enhanced educational administrator’s performance through improving cross communication at the managerial level, quick access to needed information, provides media and enhances information accuracy, analyzing data fast and effectively, their knowledge and skills a networked platform for collaborative work, motivates administrators through access to new information, for research purposes and enhances research skills of administrators, evaluation of staff and students is made easier, helps administrators in result processing, analyzes data quickly and accurately, reduces on workload, good and secure storage of information, improves coordination of tasks and activities. Therefore, the findings reveal that the proprietors of universities should procure more ICT facilities and equipment in order to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness in all dimensions of educational administration.
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