The Difference between Mathematical Reasoning Ability Improvement by Learning with Meta Cognitive Approach Aided Probing and Prompting Techniques in SMP Negeri 4 SeiSuka

Nadran Hamdani Siregar, Kms. M. AminFauzi


The purpose of this study were: (1) analyzed the differences in students’ mathematical reasoning ability improvement taught by metacognition approach aided probing technique (PMT-probing) and metacognition approach aided prompting technique (PMT-prompting); and (2) described the process of the students’ responses in solving mathematical reasoning abilities. This study was a quasi experimentalresearch. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP Negeri 4 SeiSuka, with a purposive sampling techniques, the obtained sample was VIII-1 and VIII-2. The research instrument used a test of mathematical reasoning ability, and had qualified the criteria of content validity, and reliability coefficient of 0.819. Anova two ways was used to analyze the difference of mathematical reasoning ability improvement, while descriptive analysis was used to analyze students’ answers process. The results showed that: (1) There were differences in students’ mathematical reasoning skills improvement which were taught by metacognition approach aided probing techniques and the students taught by prompting technical approach; and (2) The process of the students’ responses on students’ mathematical reasoning abilitythrough learning with metacognition approach aided by prompting techniques was better than metacognition approach aided by probing techniques.

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