The Effect of Competitive Sport on Achievement’s Motive—Study of Between Students’ Athletes and Students’ Non-Athletes

Albadi Sinulingga


This study aims to reveal whether the sporting achievement (high performance) among student athletes able to cultivate qualities oriented achievement motivation. Research by design ex post de facto (research after the event) in which the data collection techniques using achievement motivation questionnaire. The Achievement motivation questionnaire arranged and developed following the Likert model with reference to five levels, with a reliability of 0.85, while the alternative answers were arranged in such a way in the form of simulation. The population in this study was the PPLP student athletes in North Sumatra and students of SMA 6 Medan. Based on the results of the study at 95% confidence level (α 0.05), significantly found (1) there were differences in achievement motivation among student athletes and non-athletes, (2) there was no difference in achievement motivation by the length of exercise, (3) there were no difference in achievement motivation of athletes male and female athletes, (4) there was not difference in achievement motivation among the 7 sports. The results of the study recommended that to improve students achievement motivation should participate or engage in competitive sports.

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