Teaching Independent Transitioning to Young Children with Autism Using Video Self-Modeling with Video Feedback via iPads
This study investigated the efficacy of Video Self-Modeling (VSM) with video feedback using iPads to improve independent transitioning of two young children, a first grader and a preschooler, with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) across play activities and school routines. It was hypothesized that participants would transition independently through play activities and daily routines after watching their exemplary behaviors on an iPad. Teachers and teacher assistants delivered the intervention in inclusive classrooms. An A-B-A-B research design was used with the first grader whereas an A-B-A design was implemented with the preschooler. Findings show that both participants improved targeted behaviors. Independent transitioning skills were also maintained for both participants one month after the intervention was withdrawn. Social validity results show that parents of participants and their teachers favored and recommended the video self-modeling with video feedback intervention for other children with autism.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v4n3p367
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