Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of Kung Fu in the Media Along the Southern Line of the “Belt and Road”

SUN Ya-Meng


This study presents a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Kung Fu, utilizing a corpus-based approach to examine media portrayals along the southern line of the “Belt and Road” initiative. The research underscores the role of the “Belt and Road” Initiative in promoting Chinese martial arts culture and fostering cultural exchanges. By constructing a specialized corpus from mainstream media reports on Kung Fu, sourced from the LexisNexis database, this study employs corpus linguistics tools such as AntConc to analyze word frequency, collocation, keyword, and index line. 

The findings reveal a predominantly positive portrayal of Kung Fu in the media of countries along the southern route of the “Belt and Road.” This positive representation is instrumental in enhancing the understanding of these countries’ attitudes towards culture and paves the way for more effective foreign discourse construction. The study’s insights into media discourse provide valuable perspectives for cultural diplomacy, reflecting the positive impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on spreading culture.

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