The Impact of Racial Identity and Social Spaces on the Academic Experiences of Biracial Students: A Phenomenographic Study for School Administrative Intervention
This study explored the identity and social spaces that affects academic performances, and behavioral difficulties of biracial students. As teachers have direct experiences with biracial students in every working days in school, these serve as an opportunity for the researcher to study the academic experiences of biracial learners. This research paper is qualitative research that used the phenomenographic approach. Phenomenography is investigative, and, explanatory as, it charts the different ways on how the participants understand, conceptualize, perceive and observe the different aspects of a phenomenon in the environment around them. The participants were grade school teachers wherein their experiences with the biracial students were explored. The researcher interviewed the participants, and the interviews were transcribed verbatim. As findings, five themes were drawn by the researcher from the interview. These are: classroom profile of biracial students, academic performances, behavioral difficulties, racial identity shaped by the parents and environment, and the intervention.
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