The Effects of Motivation on EFL College Students’ Achievement

Fahad Alqurashi


The current study examined the motivation of 48 newly-admitted students at the English department of Umm Al-Qura University for the study and learning of English as a foreign language. The surveyed informants responded to a two-part questionnaire that measured their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in an attempt to explore the problems that many students encounter during their college life that negatively affect their academic progress. Students’ responses revealed that they were highly motivated to learn the target language—which may indicate that there are other factors related to students’ underachievement. The study recommends that students’ motivation be reexamined at different stages during their enrollment in the BA program and that other aspects related to students’ achievement, such as language aptitude, cognitive style and memory, and other affective factors, such as attitudes and anxiety, be scrutinized. In addition, promoting students’ motivation is a key step towards improving classroom atmosphere and making learning more effective and persistent. Learners need to have positive relationships with teachers. Positive affirmations, constructive guidance, and encouraging words serve as a secure base to enhance their self-esteem, create a positive learning experience, and build constructive attitudes towards learning the target language.

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