Use of Bilingualism in Teaching EFL in the Branches of Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Inequality has many faces. Giving recognition to a single language variety as standard creates a cadre of people who gain from the acquisition processing, storage, transmission, retrieval and other manipulations of language through various controls. The global shift towards the realization of effective communication in English and the need to empower prospective participants of the opportunities in the world marketplace and in the academic arena to make knowledge of English a prerequisite tool. To satisfy the increasing demand, qualified personnel in EFL pedagogy becomes essential in helping aspirant learners achieve their goal—linguistic competency and proficiency for better learning and professionalism across the world. The issue of bilingual education in EFL teaching in universities in Saudi Arabia has increasingly become a challenge. This study presents the perception of thirty-two male and female teachers selected from personnel engaged in teaching English language in Al Ula, Yanbu and Al Mahad Campuses of Taibah University, Madinah. The curriculum design process in Saudi Arabia managed by educational policies can take into consideration several important factors such as interests, motivations, and aspirations of the people in the Saudi Arabian societies.
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