The Impact of the Learning Effectiveness on Alumni Employability: A Case Study of a T/I Department in Taiwan

Pin-Shan Hsiung


In recent years, the number of translation and interpretation courses offered in Taiwan has increased rapidly, but few studies has looked at the employability of their graduates. This paper is aimed to investigate the direct effects of curriculum on the professional careers of alumni as reflected in their current employment status and level of academic advancement. A questionnaire survey was carried out to evaluate multiple aspects of teaching, including learning effectiveness, core competency, curriculum design and repay the society. Through an analysis of 150 named and 300 anonymous questionnaires, this study analyzed the learning effectiveness as the mediator for the careers of alumni, using the Amos statistical package for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), along with other related techniques, such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The analyses have produced parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit indices, which could be useful for many purposes, such as examining longitudinal data and comparing groups. It is hoped that this brief study may provide a better understanding and a basis for future studies.

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