Diversity in Utilization of Reading Strategies: A Cross Gender Study on Iranian EFL Learners

Saeedeh Karbalaee Kamran


Current study aims to examine whether any statistically significant difference existed between Iranian male and female English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' reading strategy utilization. The data was collected employing three instruments of Survey of Reading Strategy (SORS), a reading test, and a questionnaire on demographic information. Several analyses of independent samples t-test were executed to answer the research questions. The findings revealed no statistically significant difference between male and female participants on their overall reading strategy use. No gender impact was sought in use of global and support subscales of reading strategies; however, female participants were found to outperform their male counterparts in use of problem solving subscale of reading strategies. Implications were provided for EFL teacher and researchers to upgrade their insight into nuance differences between male and female readers' interaction with a text.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/selt.v1n1p172


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